August Update- A Hot Summer In Ocala
Hey there Ocala, we hope you are reading this inside of a nice air conditioned building! This month’s birthstone is Peridot, a green-yellow gem with a long history.
In honor of that, we have our newest birthstone information page available for peridot, if you would like to learn more about it then click here.
We also have unveiled our newest featured piece, a very sunny white gold and peridot necklace with diamond accents, which you can check out here. Its custom made and 25% off until next month, which makes it a wonderful gift choice if you have a special person with an August birthday.
Have a great month! We hope to have some new things on the site soon, including an update to our special offers. Don’t forget to check back with us, Ocala’s favorite jewelry store, for more information, products, and deals!