Welcome to the our new website! If you haven’t done so already, we recommend you click the blue button that says READ OUR COMMITMENT TO YOU HERE at the top of the home page for a welcome message from us.
At silvercityjewelers.com, each week we will be bringing you new jewelry articles and information, special offers and coupons, and pleasant images of pieces from our inventory . For our launch celebration, you can click the special offers tab in our menu at the top of the page to receive a coupon for 25% off any jewelry item or repair job, valid until March 31! After that, new offers will be posted regularly so you can sign up your email to our mailing list or check the site often! Also, you can like us on Facebook or instagram or follow us on twitter for notifications of new specials!
Our sister website, www.SilverCityOcala.com, will be transitioning to our coin and bullion website. With its up to the minute spot price for gold and silver, its a great tool for staying on top of the market. If you wish to visit it, click the link at the top of this paragraph, or the Coins tab in the menu bar at the top of the page.
We’ve worked hard to bring you the best jewelry website around the same way that we work hard every day to be the best jewelry store in central Florida. We hope you will be a regular visitor.